Day 1 of MVP Summit

Had a wonderful first Summit day today.  Attended a couple of optional “side sessions”, then attended the main Welcome Dinner hosted by Nestor Portillo (Director of Community & Online Support), standing-in for Steve Ballmer.  Poor Nestor was about as scared as I would be addressing such a large audience, but he held it together.  Good job!

Landed in Seattle for MVP Summit 2010

I landed in Seattle earlier this morning, and I am so looking forward to seeing all of my fellow MVP peers and my friends at Microsoft.  

My fellow MVP Moderators were also thrown a wonderful Welcome Dinner at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Bellvue, courtesy of Microsoft’s Windows Phone Forum Management Team.   THANK  YOU!!!

Bought my tickets for the 2010 MVP Summit

My hotel reservations were secured a few weeks ago, and I just recently bought my plane tickets, so I’m basically ready to go (minus packing a few days before the flight).

Having missed CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2010, I am totally bummed to have also missed CntrStg 2010.   I really miss the interaction with my MVP peers and fellow bloggers, so the 2010 MVP Summit will be a great opportunity to meet new MVPs, connect with old friends, and enjoy the best that Microsoft has to offer!