Well, the Free shipping kit has arrived. This is for the HP DV-9000 that I need to send back to HP for a warranty repair.
Some included documentation clarifies the issue greatly. As I had originally hoped, they indicate on one of the enclosed forms that they will only perform an OS Restoration if they have to, not as a first resort as my good friend Al had insisted in the first place.
However, now I have a problem. Al said one thing, and now I have a document that says another. Which am I to believe? I sincerely want to believe the document, but after all that has transpired, I can’t really be sure of anything from HP.
The one constant that I am still looking into is a good backup solution. I’ve got plenty of backup storage space, but what I’d like to just perform a Ghost Backup of the entire drive and if the unit comes back with any missing files, I can just restore the image…