Microsoft begins offering WP7 “pre” Update

On Monday February 21st Microsoft began making a “pre-update” update available for Windows Phone devices.  The updates appeared to be distributed based on who the customer used as their wireless provider.  

Monday’s updates seemed to begin in some European countries, and some of the updates in North America were thru Rogers in Canada.

Make sure your WP7 device is configured to receive Updates (Settings > Phone Update > enable both) and make sure you are using v4.7 of Zune client software on your PC and Mac.  Mac users will also need the Connector software here or from the Mac App Store.

Please understand that the update will rolled-out in staggered fashion, so some users may have to wait a day or two before getting their update notification.

If you have problems installing the Update, please check out this Knowledgebase Article.   If you continue to have problems, please post a thread in the Windows Phone 7  forum at Microsoft Answers.